About Us

When you need assistance setting up a computer or network, fix an existing computer, get onto the Internet, or want to become more productive, Computer Home and Office Services is there to help. The company was established to help setup computer technology correctly ... or fix it when it goes awry. We offer technological guidance to those who need it.

Computer Home and Office Services was founded by Andrew Vernon in 2006 to help individuals and small businesses with their PC's in central Iowa. The central motivation for creating the business was to provide a locally-based computer services provider that would be more responsive than national chains or computer manufacturers.

The primary focus of Computer Home and Office Services is on you, the customer. Computer Home & Office Services is dedicated to building long-term relationships with customers through quality computer support.

About The Staff

Andrew Vernon, the owner, has 20 years of experience working with a variety of computers and has spent 10 years as a computer programmer. Andrew received his Bachelor of Science (in Computer Science) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since then, Andrew has worked to develop software in the trucking, land development, and telecommunications industry.

Andrew is most familiar with Windows computers, but his PC experience goes back to the "old days" of MS-DOS. In college, he also worked with a type of computers that are unlikely to be seen in a home or small office environment -- mainframes. Since then, he's also worked with Unix- or Linux-based machines, typically in a business environment, but he's seen Linux used in the home environment, too. Andrew enjoys working with computers from a variety of manufacturers.

Mr. Vernon has worked with a variety of software. Usually, he works with familiar software titles like Word, Excel, and OpenOffice. At other times, he has also worked with technical applications like AutoCAD and MicroStation as well as Mathematica. On the side, he's also worked with more esoteric pieces of software like LaTeX, CVS, and SilkTest. Andrew enjoys working with it all.